Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolutions .......

Hi Everybody,

Probably the last post on most of the blogs & so it be about the New Year Resolutions.

Everyone has new year resolutions. Some stay by it & many just forget it.

So following is the list of my new year resolutions:

1. Exercise & swim regularly, loose some weight & get more fit n muscular
2. Study towards a professional degree. Get enrolled for CA
3. Find a new professional job with more pay 
4. Buy a new car (BMW or Merc)
5. Eat at the right time & the right food
6. Drink more water everyday
7. Blog more often

Let me know urs.


Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello Everybody,
This is the most inspirational song i ve heard & i believe everyone must listen to it atleast once in life.....

Everybody is free to wear Sunscreen - Baz Luhrmann

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’97
Wear Sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…
I will dispense this advice now. 

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. 
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….
You’re not as fat as you imagine. 
Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. 
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. 
Do one thing everyday that scares you 

Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours. 

Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself. 
Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how. 
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements. 

Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t. 
Get plenty of calcium. 
Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. 
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…
what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s. 
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.. 

Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. 
Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. 
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly. 

Brother and sister together we'll make it through....Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there....I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there....For you. And I'll be there, just tell me now, whenever I can...

Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. 
Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. 
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you 
knew when you were young. 
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. 

Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. 
Don’t expect anyone else to support you. 
Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out. Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85. 
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. 
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth. 

But trust me on the sunscreen…

Brother and sister together we'll make it through....Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there....I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there....For you. And I'll be there, just tell me now, whenever I can....Everybody's free....

Thats all for now guys,
Have a lovely weekend


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Onkar - The Painter

As every year my sister sent me the "Kalnirnay" calendar just a few days ago. And this time i had a surprise along with the calendar. Nobody told me this before when i called them & i was completely unaware about this.

Look at that scenery. Isn't  that just wonderful ? I mean, its drawn by a mere 7 year old. I was not only surprised by that accurate objects but also by the colour coding & shading. As rightly said "Imagination had no bounds". Just superb.

I was thrilled to see that. I mean i did draw fairly well, but at the age of 7, just mind blowing. And then when i called him to tell him how good it was, the first question he asked me was, how did u like my surprise, mama? And u guys can almost guess what my reaction would have been.

Not to end it there check the following greeting he made & sent it to me.

Now isn't that just gr8. I have no words. What a beautiful christmas tree & a gift box. I just love him. He is such a cutie pie. 
He just made my christmas & new year. 

Anyways guys, i m now in canberra, travelling a bit & enjoying the lovely summer.
Have a good one.

Boxing Day Test ......

Boxing Day Test, as it is commonly referred as is a cricket test match hosted in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia involving the australian cricket team and the opposition national team touring australia that summer. It beings annually, traditionally on 26th December of every year.

Why is it called a boxing day test match? Or infact y is 26th December called a boxing day?

Any guesses?

May be there is a big boxing match in australia? Was there any boxing match played in the history? People box each other? Kids play with boxes? What can it be?

I asked this question to many of my Oz friends as well, & guess what, only 1 knew the correct answer. 
I researched this even before i migrated to australia. Just bcoz i studied the country, culture, important days & events etc etc.

So have u guessed y is 26th December called Boxing Day?

No ..............

Ok, let me tell u then.

Christmas is celebrated on 25th December & all the families have feast. They dress well, eat well, meet, greet etc etc. Its celebrated with joy & fun.
This day is celebrated from centuries. In australia over a century ago they started a custom.

As you can imagine a century ago, there was poverty. Rich & poor were the two class of people recognised with. So on the Christmas eve, the rich people would cook all the delicious food, call over family & friends & celebrate the occassion. 
On 26th December, all the left over food was put in the empty boxes from the gifts received & distributed among the poor & thats y 26th December is called Boxing Day.

Thats it for now folks,

Wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.


Thursday, November 06, 2008


Hi Everybody,

How u all doin? I hope everyone is doing great in their life.
I just received this email and as it said, i just could not stop laughing .....
It was emailed to me by MG, & i would like to share it with all of u.
May be u ve read it before or received it as an email, ...... its worth a read

Couple was golfing one day on a Very Exclusive golf course lined with million dollar houses.
On the third tee, the husband said, "Honey, be very careful when you drive the ball, do not knock out any windows. It will cost us a fortune to fix."
The wife teed up and shanked it right through the window of the biggest house on the course.
The husband cringed and said, "I told you to watch out for the houses.
All right, let's go up there, apologize and see how much it s going to cost us."
They walked up and knocked on the door, and heard a voice say, "Come on in."
When they opened the door they saw glass all over the place and a broken bottle lying on its side in the foyer.
A man on the couch said, "Are you the people that broke the window?" "Uh yeah, sorry about that" the husband replied.. "
No, actually I want to thank you. I am a genie that was trapped for a thousand years in that bottle. You have released me.
I am allowed to grant three wishes - I will give you each one wish, and I will keep the last one for myself." the genie said.
"Ok" the husband said. "I want a million dollars a year for the rest of my life." "No problem-it is the least I can do.
And you, what do you want?" the genie said looking at the wife.
"I want a house in every country of the world" she said. "Consider it done." the genie said. "
And what is your wish, genie?" the husband said "Well, since I have not had sex with a woman in a thousand years, my wish is to sleep with your wife."
The husband looks at the wife and said, "Well, we did get a lot of money and all those houses, honey. I guess I would not mind."
The genie took the wife upstairs and ravished her for two hours. After it was all over, the genie rolled over, looked at the wife and said, "How old is your husband anyway?" "35" she said.
"Really? And he still believes in genies?

Have a good day .....

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Onki..... as i call him, his name is Onkar, my nephew. He just turned 7 last month and was very anxious about his gift list. I always love talking with him and call him very often, atleast once a week, and we never finish.
He is in 2nd standard and had already claimed a few first prizes, eg: patriotic song, clay moulding, painting, craft art and a couple more. Well he is always keen to discuss all his participations, coz it had turned out to be such that, he wins when he takes tips from me.
Well anyways, this year his birthday wish list was very small, only 1 item on the list and that is hotwheels track set. OMG, hotwheels track set, i was totally shocked and thrilled by his attention to find things for his wishlist, and that only 1 single item, too good. And then as always we started discussing, which one does he want to buy.
My sis, did not have any clue whatsoever about its price. So a week earlier she popped into a toy shop with onki to look for hotwheels. Price ranged from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000. And as we all know onki now, he wanted the biggest and the costliest. What say? My sis saw the demo and wasn ot quite impressed. Its just a stunt track with a crane lifting the vehicle and dropping it down on the track, thats it, fun finished. Rs. 1000 just for a drop and destruction. Not very impressed, she walked out and thought of buying something else, but smart onki had numerous ways to get what he wants.
So they started shopping around to see if there is any other hotwheels set that would make sense with the price. But no, as u know the market union, nothing less than the earlier price and the same stupid stunts, thats it. Totally unimpressed, my sis decided to but him something else, even more expensive, but which would make sense for its value.
At first onki did not understand y my sis didnt buy him that toy, as he never understood what does Rs. 1000 mean. (we havent reached that far in counting numbers at school), so my sis explained him that Rs. 1000 is 10 times 100.
Discussing something else with onki was never an option as by the end on that day, he had already called his dad atleast 5 times on his own, just to tell him how villian his mom is and shed a few croc tears to agree him on his side. And on the other hand told everyone he met that he is getting that hotwheel set for his birthday. How cunning, he thought that will make his mom complel to buy him one.
Finally his Bday, and nothing in the pocket. No hotwheels nor coldwheels. Onki9 has no presents. Adamant onki wants hotwheels or nothing else. So my sis said nothing else. But saying that she bought him a new swimming trunks, cap and goggles, as he not at the age of 7 already has a full swimming pass, which means he can swim unsupervised and knows most of the styles perfectly.
Onki was happy as he got something he needed as he was bored of the old one (which is only 3 months old). But new is good as now he is starting his 3 feet diving training.
So everyone thought, its all good now, but onki's mind was always revolving around some trick on hotwheels, and he knew to get that he needs 10 times 100. So as this year was not very exiting to my family and our relatives, things were always a bit under par with everything.
It was ganesh festival and onki had ganpati @ home. Everyone that came for darshan asked onki about his birthday and he kept telling them the tale all day long, and all kept enjoying it. All his uncles came for ganpati visarjan and then as they all were leaving, like always they gave onki some money instead of gift due to the family reason. Money money money ..... onki started dreaming about his hotwheels again.
So by the end of the day, onki had 4 times 100 in his pocket. So he knew he needed 6 more. Now he thought that he had some bargaining power. So he quitely went to my sis and gave her that 4 times 100 and said, keep this with u, i ll keep adding more, when it reached 10 times 100 tell me, then we ll go and but the hotwheels. Can u believe this .....
Now my dad, his grandpa, left after a couple of days and on his way out just to add to his peggy bank and to add to this hotwheels drama, gave him 2 times 100. So now he had 6, just 4 more to go, he kept saying all night long.
So finally, next day my did added 4 more and surprised him when he returned from school with the Rs.1000 trick track set he dreamed of. Onki played all night long and then when i called him the following sunday, u can imagine how happy he was to tell me about his hotwheels.
So now i sent him 5 new cars for his track. I m sure he ll enjoy.

Ok guys, will catch u ll again very soon......

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rock On......

Rock On..... Seriously Rocks!!

A muct watch movie, i must say. I watched this movie last week and was totally thrilled by the direction and the performance of all the actors involved.

Farhan Akhtar, debutant ..... too good. No doubt he is an awesome director himself, so creativity and public eye view would never had been a problem to discuss, but truly amazing as a rocker!
All the other characters have also played their part of role to perfection.

The movie just takes u along with it till the very end. Thats what i like. Never lost interest, never felt as if they were over acting nor felt it unrealistic at any point.

Over an all a pretty good movie after a long time. Just got me into the groove ......

P.S.: All thanks to my sis adi, for inspiring me to blog again, and with a true promise to her i shall blog quite often now. Leave me a comment if possible.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What m i doing these days ?

A big question to answer. Seriously, when i say i m busy enough not to blog, what m i really doing these days.
Well, since i have come back from india after mom passed away, things have been a bit different then they were before, as expected. But still, what m i doing these days that i m so busy.
Everytime i post something, i promise myself that i will sincerely have my next post coming up ina couple of days, but that has not worked with me till date. But here i m again making this promise to all the readers that i ll have more post coming soon. There r so many things i need to talk about, so many thing i need to tell everyone of u. But well, lets wait for that day to come, and i want it to happen everyday.
Anyways, these days i m simply busy with work. As 30th June is the financial year end here in australia, audit is in full swing. And will stay like this untill end of October, i believe. So, mon-fri, 9am-5pm, work. And now a days its been upto as late as 9pm sometimes, due to workload.
On weekends, shopping for weekly grocery, laundry etc etc. Time just flies.
And i also moved my apartment on the 27th July 2008. So was super busy with all the shifting, packing, unpacking, shelving ....... no end to this list.
My new house is much more better and bigger than the old one. Very spacious and also has an internal laundry, so i dont have to dedicate weekend to do laundry, i can do it anyday at my convinience.
I ll definately post some pics of my new home once its completely set in a few more days.So i ll try to keep my promise of posts more often.
Have a good day guys,

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another year passed away and added most valuable moments in my life which i will cherish the rest of my life. Yes ppl, i grew one more year older today.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank god for giving me this life and taking care of me for so many years and i pray to him that he gives me many more years to contribute to the beautiful world he created.

I also want to thank my family for standing by me in all my decisions and supporting me in everything i always wanted to do.

Thanks to all the co bloggers who have stayed along me and made me feel homely in this space.

Have a good day everybody

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Expansionist Meme....

I have been tagged by reema and waked up by lollypop, thanks dear

One religious work from a non-familiar tradition you’ll read:
The Quran...Just curious to know what it really preaches.

One music video–that you like–from your “least likely to listen to’ genre:
Instant karma! My least likely to listen gerne is Remixes, but that song is kinda cute.

A book from a genre you almost never read, that you have read, or you will read (promise!):
It would be "Power of your subconcious mind", thats something that will teach you to find the best in the worst. A typical psychological book.

Somewhere you’d never thought to go on holiday/vacation, and why it might be fun to go there?
South Africa would be it, and if i ever make it, i would like to ride the safaris and most important witness a kill inthe wild.

A sport or game you really hate, or haven’t tried yet, but are willing to give one more go:
Game i hate is an Oz game called footy, i think its stupid, coz its a game that lies between rugby and soccer. Actually they play soccer but throw and pass the ball around with hands insted of legs and just kick the goal by ur foot, and u cannot tackle the opponent. Its kinda really stupid. Anyways....!

A style of dance you probably won’t try (we won’t make you promise on this one):
Not a dance person anyways, but i probably wont try Salsa!

A career job you don’t feel you’re suited for, and why:
Telephone sales operator, justcant do that upselling .....!

An item that’s “thinking out of the box’ for this meme that hadn’t been included:
Whats that one thing you will anyways do even after knowing that its incorrect?

It’s there’s one thing in life you wanted to do, and will do because of this meme, what will it be?
I think i ll probably look out of the window and try some things in life, that i havent so far.

I tag Mumbai Guy, Priyanka, Mayur, Anu & Vani


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So the long weekend is finally over and i m back with 9-5 schedule. It wes a very good weekend overall.

Woke up early morning on Saturday and went to the temple at Helensburg. Its a hour and half drive on the princess highway and carrying onto the freeway, beautiful place, high up on the hill with stud farms around. It was all green and grazy as it is raining for past week. Cool breeze soon had me look for my jumper and wear it. My mind was in holy spirit and just felt the closeness to a spiritual force during the darshan. Then i headed for the canteen to have prasad. They provide with idli, wada, masala dosa, pulao, paratha etc .... That was pretty much my lunch. Just awesome.

Headed back straight to the weekly grocery shopping spree. After returning home watched Bhootnath, good movies, teaches a lot of lesson to small kids and even grown ups. Had pomfret fish for dinner. Ummm yummiee.

Couldnt open my eye till 10:00 am on sunday morning. Had some lazy breakfast (garlic bread), heard the weekly hindi radio for a while, checked some mails, chatted with a few friends and prepared chicken biryani for lunch. With some wine, biryani tasted even better. With my stomach full, caught up a lil nap. Had some tea in the evening and headed staright to park for an hour walk, with all this fatty stuff in me for past 2 days, i felt a walk is necessary.

Was bored of cooking time consuming food, but wanted to eat something that could tickle my taste buds, so thought of a dinner outside. So me and my roomie headed to the spot, a place where u have all cusines in a walk lane of 50 metres. While driving we decided to eat at a greek restaurant, but it was closed for renovation, so we went to Thai Riffic, a thai cusine. I tried the chef's special, Yellow curry .... hhhmm, delicious and my friend had Stir fry noodles with chicken. I had a bite, and i must say, it was fantastic. Too tired and lazy, i could barely manage to change clothes and get under my blanket.

Monday was a, getting in mode day, with lot of household work pending due to rains. I had a early start at 8:30. Too all my washing loads to the laundry at 9 am. I had to do 4 loads of 5 kg each, just imagine how much this rain has disturbed the schedule. It took me 3 hours to fininsh with all my laundry. But finally it was over and i was proud of myself. Had the left over biryani for lunch and headed to the theatres to watch Sarkar Raj. A good movie overall, with some unwanted drama, not so important scenes. Whatever, overall a good movie. After coming home late, i could only manage to make some alloo parathas and fill my stomach.

Thinking of the week ahead, i pumped myself up to the week.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Long Weekend....

Queen's Birthday, which means long weekend. This is the long weekend everyone has been waiting for.
Had a lot of things planned, but its not the ideal weekend in sydney due to weather.

It was planned with a drive away to Nelsons Bay, 2 night stay, whale watch, sand dunes surf.

But now has changed to, a visit to the temple on satuday morning. A movie in the evening.
Sea food lunch on sunday. Catch up with some friends on sunday evening. Rest completely on monday. Back to work on tuesday.
Have a good weekend guys!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Rain Rain Pouring Rain ...... Thats what is sydney like from past a week now. Havent seen the sun in past week, day is hardly 9 hours long. Its lashing and swashing all around. High winds and high swell tides rolling down the coast. Its fun, makes u feel like staying home all day long, sipping on hot tea and eating onion pakodas. Zhakas !

I hope there would be just enough rain in all the parts of the world and no natural calamities occour. Have a nice week end ppl. Take care.

Let me know how the weather is in all other parts of the world, and ur experience about rain.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Decaannaa ..... Mind it !

These r some of the hoardings you would find all across Hyderabad end of last year, courtesy Deccan Chronicle.
If u r wondering whats the Deccan Chronicle, its a news paper in circulation in Hyderabad. Over the past few days commuters notice such hoardings published by the newspaper.
Dont know the exact reason as to y have they come up with something sleazy actually. Isint it sleazy ? With sleazy captions on the t-shirts these hot models r wearing. The one here says, "GET BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY". Excuse me, whats does that exactly mean. Dont every other newspaper provide u with the real pirture of any news or is it sleazy enough for people to understand what they really mean by what they have written and where they have written, which ironicaaly ends with "For Young Minds" at the bottom of each hoarding. And to add to it they also mention the number of copies in AP ? Is this just the reason y u selling so many copies ?

The second one here says, "RETAIL FDI BOOM OR BUST"..... wow, now isint that what people of really wanna read. Can u even make a realistic guess of all the people reading this hoarding, how many would even understand the meaning of Retail FDI ? But they would definately understand what the rest of the caption says, isint it? Now is this some campaign that Deccan has introduced to boost up their sales and targeting the younger generation to spend some money to buy their newspaper and hope to find something sleazy inside as up on the hoarding. Value for money is so diminishing in the mind of the publishers that they have adopted such sleazy marketing strategy.

And again the number of copies in AP and for younger minds. Indicating it to the older, experienced genration to stay outta this and buy something else, coz we r now trying to capture the yonger people with our sleazy practices.

And here is the third one that says, "INSTITUTE RELEASES VITAL STATISTICS". OMG, now what institue r they talking about and which vital stats r they mentioning. No doubt, everyone knows and expects them to release the vital body stats of those hot models. Now is this cheap marketing strategy ? Definately not for the publishers and they must have spent enough to get these hoardings up.

Now the question is, would they increase their bottom line by these sleazy techniques ? They probably would at the end of the day acheive their sales target, but by what means? Will their self respect hurt a lil bit when they sleep or is it just too hillarious to look at and turn ur face around.

Mind is knocking on one more reason, It also could have been the strategy to earn more money simply because they sponsored the IPL team, in which they have put in crores of rupees. R they making it up for it ????
Deccaannaa ...... Mind it !

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Silver is never Won, its the Gold that is Lost ....

I remember that day when i heard this statement for the first time in my life, and since then always believedin it and respected it in all phases and aspects of life.

It was the day in office as usual, tensed, as we were nearing the end of our Quarterly Based Review (QBR), a few weeks away to be the best performing site throughout the world, competing against the best. This quarter has been one of the best our site has performed so far. A couple of more safe weeks and we r the Numero Uno throughout the world. The Emperor of this world.

Our Big Boss conducted a Managers meeting and we all, around 25 of us stepped in the conference room thinking that we've gonna have our butts kicked again.But so was not the case this time. It was a session that we all will remember throughout our lives. Some things we will cherish in all the good and the bad that we do, thereon.

So there was it, the results of the QBR, which our Big Boss had just brought back along with him from US of A. This was the first time when all the Site Leads were invited to US of A for the QBR (every other quarter, its only video conferenced).We all were so exited to be there and to know if we had kicked some ass or is our ass getting kicked again. After a few good words and a few if and buts and so on and so forth, we heard that we ranked second across the globe.

All of us were so happy and satisfied by the result, as it was the first time out Mumbai site had been in the Top 5. It was cheer and claps and congratulation to each other and gala time to have a party on. All fair and all happy moments, something to feel proud of.
That went on for a few minutes and then our Big Boss proceeded to wrap up the meeting with his final words of wisdom. Here is what he said (not exactly, but the meaning remains the same).

"Congratulation's on the second ranking through the globe. This has been the best ever out site has performed. By the pace and position we were in a few days ago, i thought we would be through this time on the top position, but to what so ever reason, we were given a silver medal.Not that we acheived it, or we earned it (at this moment all we thought was, why the hell is he saying that we were given and we did not earn it, we all knew how hard we had worked to reach that position), but someone has given it to us. Because, "A Silver is never Won, its the Gold that is Lost".

Very true as we realised what he meant. We never compete in a race to be second, we always wanna win. We never rank second coz we finish second, but coz we dont win the first place.

P.S. - No doubt we had all the grand celebrations across the whole site, but that one statement always mades me do whatever it takes to be Numero Uno.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

This song had been on my mind for a few days now, many things rushing through my mind and too many things to do with so less options in life.
Dont know if this is just the reason or something else is hurting me deep down. I always liked this song, heard it quite often, but today i m deeply sinking into this drakness, and i need to shout out loud to my self as my subconsious is taking over and telling me to just hang on.
This song is truly inspirational as its carrying me along and asking me to just hold on and hang in there in life, as life has something better to offer, something good is coming ur way.
Now m i really asking too much or i should just have to put my foot down and just stand still and go with the flow.
Suddenly unexpected, this day today, i need to just hang in, things will change and i know change is constant.
Everybody hurts .....

"Everybody Hurts"
When your day is long
And the night
The night is yours alone
When you're sure you've had enough of this life
Well hang on
Don't let yourself go
Cause everybody cries
And everybody hurts
Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it's time to sing along
(When your day is night alone)
Hold on, hold on
(If you feel like letting go)
Hold on
If you think you've had too much of this life
Well hang on
Cause everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand
Oh, no
Don't throw your hand
When you feel like you're alone
No, no, no, you're not alone
If you're on your own
In this life
The days and nights are long
When you think you've had too much
Of this life
To hang on
Well, everybody hurts
Sometimes, everybody cries
And everybody hurts
And everybody hurts
So, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
(Everybody hurts
You are not alone)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I miss u Aai, I miss u so much ............

01.06.1947 - 15.04.2008

Is it just a bad dream that i m living or a horrified night that will soon have a cheerfull morning. Not that i dont understand the reality, but just that i m too naive to cope up with it. I miss u
You are always in my mind and my heart, always with me in all that i do. I always feel u holding me close to u, when i need, as u always did. I miss u
I pray u get all the peace u deserve. I miss u
Hi everybody,I was away for a long while now, in which many good things of my life happened, but there was one thing that i never expected.
My mom left this world and left us all last month. Please pray for her peaceful journey.
Thank you.